How to Get Ichthiotherapy

How to Get Ichthiotherapy

If you want to travel to Turkey for therapy with doctor fish used in alternative medicine to cure some skin ailments, mainly psoriasis, you should conduct some research first. The two types of doctor fish are the striker and the licker. They work together to remove scaly skin from the body while a person is immersed in hot springs. A well-known center for this is Kangal Fish Springs Resort in the Sivas Province.

Things You'll Need:


Travel insurance (optional but recommended)


Determine what season of the year that you prefer to travel to Turkey for treatment. There are advantages to both summer and winter visits. The spring has more visitors in the summer, so there are fewer fish per person in the pools, but sunshine is plentiful and may aid therapy. Air temperatures range from 60 to 80F in summer and dip down to 32F in winter, although the always-warm pools are connected to enclosed accommodations.


Review the packages offered by two main agencies (see Resources for more information). The agency has five treatment package options or you can make up your own package. English speakers likely will find Istanbul Life information easier to read.


Make reservations with the agency you choose. The Kangal Fish Springs Resort recommends you bring everything you may need along on your trip, including toiletries and bed linens. There is a store on the premises for forgotten items.

Tips & Warnings

Deren Koray Tourism offers side trips to other sites nearby.

The usual course of treatment is 21 days.

Evidence that exposure to the doctor fish provides a lasting cure for skin disease is not conclusive. Studies are still needed to determine whether or not the fish can transmit disease (such as hepatitis and HIV).